Susan Bliss “Standing Nude” – 115B

$175.00 8 x 6 inches, ceramic

Susan Bliss

Susan Bliss began her career 30 years ago as a self taught water color painter. Wanting to explore other mediums, Bliss began digging up her own clay and firing it in cow manure in the early 70's, producing very natural, raw pieces. After the birth of her child, Bliss searched for a middle ground between clay and painting. She experimented with combining the two mediums, giving birth to what is now her terra cotta, insized line drawings. Bliss works painstakingly on each piece to achieve rich warm colors by baking the clay in a low fire over the course of a 5 day period. Bliss, a native of Warner, NH, is member of the League of New Hampshire Craftsman and has had pieces displayed at the Society of Arts & Crafts in Boston, MA.
