Richard Kudler “Chiarascuro II”
PRICE: $475.00
SIZE: 14.5 x 15 inches
MEDIUM: kiln-formed glass
Richard Kudler
Richard Kudler is a self-taught kiln-formed glass artist based in Manchester, NH. Following a forty year career in dentistry, his ability to work with his hands on small yet exact 3-dimensional surfaces led to his interest in glass work. He began using kiln-formed glass to explore shape and spatial relations as well as color combinations and how they react with the heat of the kiln. His works are non-representational, abstract and often linear. “I like to experiment with unusual color juxtapositions resulting in unique relationships. Inspirations come from patterns found in nature as well as commercial patterns.”
Kudler’s work has been shown in galleries and juried art shows and can be found in both private and corporate collections.