Michael Wilson “Spanish Iris”
PRICE: $1800.00
SIZE: 23 x 29 inches
MEDIUM: oil on paper
Michael Wilson
Michael B. Wilson has been an artist for more than thirty years. In high school Mike studied for two years in the "Famous Illustrators Artists' Course by Mail. Mike spent the disco years as a hippie, painting and studying art at Humboldt State University in Northern California, spent a year on the island of Paros, Greece and graduated from the Boston Museum School in 1988, sharing first place in the prestigious 5th Year Traveling Fellowship.
Artists Statement:
The women on my mother's side of the family have lived within a ten-mile radius of my hometown for four generations. The men from both sides tend toward the peripatetic, ranging from Virginia, Pennsylvania, Iowa and Kansas on their way west. Growing up halfway between Denver and Cheyenne, we were a mile above sea level. To the east was flatland prairie for a thousand miles, while five miles to the west the foothills began their five thousand foot ascent to the peaks of the Rocky Mountains. That environment has permeated my soul and defined my aesthetic to this day. I now divide most of my time between Boston and the tip of Cape Cod, right at sea level.