Emmett van Buskirk “Hill Farm”
PRICE: $420.00
SIZE: 17 x 12 inches
MEDIUM: watercolor
Emmett van Buskirk
Emmett Van Buskirk received a degree in Fine Arts from Middlebury College and a Masters in Art Education from Oberlin College. He taught art at Upper Iowa University until his retirement in 2000 to Vermont. Mr. Van Buskirk passed away in March of 2022.
Artist’s Statement:
I am particularly interested in bringing into focus for the viewer the beauty and harmony of life that exists in a rural setting. In this world, man and animal interrelate with design of nature. I look for this design in the physical properties of space and elements such as color, texture and form, and in the actions and interdependence of the subjects. Above all, I seek to present my vision of this environment through the power of light. Light gives life to form, creates mood, or pervades the atmosphere of my work.
Technically, I use transparent glazes of watercolor, controlled layers built to achieve the subtleties of light and color.
I prefer to work in a representational manner, redefining or clarifying the beauty of the world as I see it.